About Us

Gaia Grove ~ * earth healing ~ arts, music, nature, spirituality * ~ http://www.gaiagrove.org

Gaia Grove is an open circle of artists, dreamers, musicians, healers, gardeners, wanderers, visionaries, explorers, witches, shamans, faeries, activists, creators, collaborators, and is a living web of magic. Gaia Grove educates, co-creates and envisions a more sustainable future – socially, economically, environmentally & spiritually. Gaia Grove is conscious, fluid, evolving, and dynamic. Gaia Grove is for all – women, men, children & species of any origin sharing life on this beautiful planet and beyond. Gaia Grove makes art. Gaia Grove makes music. Gaia Grove makes magic. Gaia Grove heals.

Who we’d like to meet: All those who believe in the power of art, music & nature to heal, who respect and honor Gaia, Mother Earth, the elements of life, and each other, and who are passionate about co-creating a more sustainable future, sharing and conserving resources, and growing a healthy environment together in peace, harmony, balance,  justice, and love.

Gaia Grove is currently centered in Silver Lake, CA, and dreams globally & universally while (mostly) acting locally.

Gaia Grove is also on Facebook… https://www.facebook.com/groups/gaiagrove and Instagram https://instagram.com/gaiagrove/

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